G for… the Goths, who settled here in the 5th century.
O for… Observatory : Perched on its promontory, it offers a breathtaking view of the surrounding landscapes, like a silent witness to centuries gone by.
U for… Unique: Unique for its history, architecture, atmosphere, and warm hospitality.
D for… Durable: Standing strong since the 12th century, it embodies sustainability with natural materials and a minimal environmental footprint.
O for… Oneiric: A dreamy place that sparks imagination, transports you through time, and with its spacious halls, lets you journey across space.
U for… Ultra-everything-that’s-good !
R for… Relax: Breathe deeply, let go of stress, reconnect with your inner self, and enjoy moments of pure joy and laughter !
V for… Vivid and Veritable: A genuine, living historical château, loved and inhabited by a family.
I for… Inspiring, Intimate : If you rent it, it’s all yours—just for you, your family, and friends ! Create your own special moments and unforgettable memories.
L for… Lighthearted: Experience the joy and lightness of reunions, celebrating heartfelt birthdays or splendid weddings with loved ones.
L for… Luminous: Its vast 18th-century windows fill the château with sunlight and offer stunning views of the surrounding countryside and distant horizons.
E for… Elegance: The conviviality of togetherness paired with the elegance of exceptional receptions and shared moments.
From the Goths to Geneviève, who now takes care of it, 1500 years have passed !
Yet, we remain humans with the same needs: protection, nourishment, respect for our rhythm, dreams, creativity, enriching relationships, authenticity, contribution, fulfillment, adventure, and… laughter !
May 2025 bring you everything Goudourville has to offer !
Wishing you a wonderful New Year !